A Stitch in Time

A stitch in time may save nine, but I'd rather show off the things I've made or had made for me.

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Name: Seitherin
Location: Lake Jackson, Texas, United States
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Saturday, April 30, 2005

With a little help from my friends

I wiped down the coffee table so I could lay out my various projects for update snaps, and Heru and Mouse decided the clean table was the perfect place for them to wrestle. I'd already laid down the latest two washcloths to photograph when they started.

My cats, Heru and Mouse, with washcloth # 3 and # 4

I finally gave up and moved the washcloths so they could play for a bit. I took several snaps of them going at it before Heru got bored and moved off. Mouse refused to leave so I finally gave in and let her model the washcloths.


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