So, I've got a blog . . . Now what?

Everyone seems to be jumping on the blog bandwagon so I thought I'd give it a go as well. Haven't really got a clue what I'm going to talk about, but that's never really stopped me from saying something, so . . .

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Friday, August 27, 2004

Class is over

Class is over. The instructor thought we'd finish by 1 p.m. or so today. Ha! Fooled him, we did. We finished at 4 p.m., but it was another good day. I don't exactly hate but I'd rather stick with Delphi but that's only assuming the newest version, which is supposed to fit into the .Net framework, doesn't make you do all that extra work that does. Not to mention typing. Hasn't Microsoft ever heard of components for which you provide exception programming and not functional programming? Oh, well. Maybe I'll get used to when I've worked with it for 15 or so years.

Heru nappingHeru The prodigal son, whose leg you can see in the photo at the left, took pictures today of Heru and Muggles and Mouse. I think my favorite picture is the one of Heru looking vaguely bemusedly annoyed at having been photographed. Heru, Mouse, and Miss MugglesHeru I also rather like the picture of the Lion That Roared being put in his place by the Queen of the House while the Empress of the Universe looks on in serene repose. Kittens are such a riot.

You may have noticed that Horatio / Horus has gone through another name change. He's now become Heru which is short for Heru-pa-Khered. I've decided to counfound the vet. I think they need a little shaking up.



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