A Stitch in Time

A stitch in time may save nine, but I'd rather show off the things I've made or had made for me.

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Name: Seitherin
Location: Lake Jackson, Texas, United States
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Sunday, June 05, 2005

It's growing!

Did you know it's actually a little bit difficult to get a full length picture of a scarf that's almost four feet long without someone holding it up? And since there was no one here to do that when I felt the need to snap, un-full length snaps is what you get instead.

Progress photo of the blue feather and fan scarf I'm knitting for my stepdaughter

Progress photo of the blue feather and fan scarf I'm knitting for my stepdaughter

That last photo makes the poor scarf look like it has some sort of bumpy disease. It doesn't. I just didn't smooth it down as much as I thought I had.

Oh, well. I never claimed to be much of a photographer.




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